Envirnoment And Climate Change
The SmartEdge solution will greatly reduce your carbon footprint by taking data processing close to where data is created hence massively reducing the energy consumed in sending data to the cloud and back for processing . A lot of this data does not even need to go to a remote cloud on the other side of the world, full stop.
SmartEdge DC s distributed Edge data centre model combines heat capture and storage technology. The stored heat is then recycled into public benefit community projects at a local level where our SmartEdge micro data centres are located .

The internet , its infra-structure and applications at present consumes approximately 3% of the worlds generated electricity , in the developed world this is a considerably higher percentage , in the United Kingdom it is already 6% of all generated electricity of peak time consumption which puts a huge strain on the Electricity Distribution Grids where large scale Data Centre Development has emerged , this particulary applies to London and Surround .
The hidden secret is that the UKs data centre industry alone emits the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere through its electricity use as the whole Airline industry within the UK .
Although great steps are being made in efficiencies in the operation of data centres and the use of electricity , whether or not “ green “ electricity is purchased , the greatest inefficiencies lie in the single use of energy.
For every 1 kW of electricity used within data centres , 1kW of heat is generated and in over 99% of the Uks data centres , this heat is dispersed into the atmosphere,SmartEdge DC s distributed Edge data centre model combines heat capture and storage technology. The stored heat is then recycled into public benefit community projects at a local level where our SmartEdge micro data centres are located .